You are either moving to Ventura or you are selling your place there. In either case, you want to get a realtor. But how do you find a great one?
Before you input “realtor Ventura” into a search engine, you should have an idea of how to find a great realtor that will suit your needs perfectly and get you what you want.
Ask Your Family & Friends
Perhaps you have a family member or a friend who just recently moved in or out of Ventura. They may have an agent that they highly recommend. It’s worth asking them.
Another thing that makes them a great resource is that they know you well and may also have an idea of what kind of realtor might work well with you. This increases your chances of finding the best realtor in Ventura.
Ask Your Co-workers
It turns out that your family members and friends are comfortable living where they are and they have never had a desire to move. That doesn’t mean that you’re out of options. Far from it – you can ask your co-workers. They may have a good suggestion.
A perfect person would be a new hire who moved to Ventura from another place and bought their own home. They will likely have worked with a realtor and could possibly recommend someone to you. While they may not be familiar with your own personal tastes, they could pass along a number that is worth calling.
Look Around Your Neighborhood
Pay attention to the going on around your neighborhood – whether in Ventura or elsewhere. Are there a lot of “For Sale” or “Open House” signs? It might be worth your time to go investigate.
You could always ask the realtor there if they have a card or you could get the information from the sign outside. Then you could contact them to see if they could be a fit.
Look Online
If everything else fails, you have an excellent resource right there in your home. You can go online and put in “realtor” and your zip code. You should get a lot of results.
This may take a bit of time – see what reviews people are leaving about these realtors. Pick the ones who seem to generate the most positive reviews. Then contact them and see which one fits you.
Hopefully, one of these methods will work. Then you can work with the realtor to get the best deal.